Planning & Forecasting

Forecast demand across departments, manage inventory and enable accurate budgeting refined through period plans based on superior sales and metric forecasts.

The best forecasting fuels the best planning and execution. With an accurate projection of upcoming demand across all departments and robust budgeting and inventory solutions, you are positioned to stay on plan to reduce costs, maximize revenue and optimize profitability. While we support reforecasting and schedule revision after posting, our objective is to get it right the first time and minimize the need for corrections at all. Our tools are designed to do just that.


Develop better annual sales and labor budgets, monitor performance and manage the year in progress. Fine-tune results with shorter-term budgets by season, quarter or period. We support any budgeting and period planning method you desire, from annual to quarter to week, annual to period to week, or a rolling number of upcoming quarters or periods. Use each period to realign objectives, mindful of past performance and the latest reforecast to align with company financial objectives.

Develop better annual sales and labor budgets, monitor performance and manage the year in progress. Fine-tune results with shorter-term budgets by season, quarter or period. We support any budgeting and period planning method you desire, from annual to quarter to week, annual to period to week, or a rolling number of upcoming quarters or periods. Use each period to realign objectives, mindful of past performance and the latest reforecast to align with company financial objectives.

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Sales & Metric Forecasting

Generate the most accurate forecast for sales, SKU, individual and consolidated UPCs to support forecasting need across the retail chain. Use multiple machine-learning algorithms and guidelines for selecting the most appropriate algorithms for each forecast metric in each store to create substantially better forecasting accuracy.

Generate the most accurate forecast for sales, SKU, individual and consolidated UPCs to support forecasting need across the retail chain. Use multiple machine-learning algorithms and guidelines for selecting the most appropriate algorithms for each forecast metric in each store to create substantially better forecasting accuracy.

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Inventory Management

Address the challenges of store-level inventory management with a holistic system and unified forecasting, from configuration and training, to stock management and perpetual inventory, to ordering and fulfillment including CAO/CGO.

Address the challenges of store-level inventory management with a holistic system and unified forecasting, from configuration and training, to stock management and perpetual inventory, to ordering and fulfillment including CAO/CGO.

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